forced organization.

At work, I am incredibly organized. Part of that is because I absolutely have to be due to the environment (the Intensive Care Unit) that I work in within nursing. But at home and in life … not so much. Piles are comfort to me. Knowing things are in a general area is enough detail for me – if I need it, I’ll look through said pile or area! Right? I know some of you are cringing out there!

Unfortunately, my cavalier approach to ‘organization’ is reeking havoc on my knitting needles. I am losing them – or at least losing track of them.

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This is actually only part of my needle stash (after counting, I had about 30+ circular needles in my Tetley Tea box – it’s more than it looks!) because I have 4 interchangeable sets that are ‘nicely’ organised (aka 3 are collecting dust and missing quite a number of tips) that I just couldn’t bring myself to photograph. Other than my AddiTurbo set, which I cherish, I don’t treat my other needles very well. So, what to do? I have to do something.

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I bought a binder and some 1” zip lock pockets from Staples. A few weeks ago, I saw this idea on SweetGeorgiaYarn’s Blog and thought, Brilliant.

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It took several weeks for me to actually make said trip to Staples but when I finally got there, it was so worth it! How satisfying to place all of my needles into separate, organised pockets?!

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Unfortunately, if I acquire any more needles, I am going to need a second binder. I guess I could have worse problems, yes?

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How do you organise your notions and needles for knitting? How do you organise your yarn and spinning stash!? Let’s compare ideas in the comments section!

Happy organising :)

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