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For a while we have known that we were going to be getting a second dog, we just didn’t know when we would be able to take her home as ours. I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our little family:

Please meet Charlie-girl, to be known as Chuck (she’s on the right, Charlie [boy] is on the left). She was already named so we decided that rather than re-naming either/both of them, we would give her a perma-nickname (especially since she will be seeing her original owner (the breeder) all the time who will still call her Charlie – and, honestly? It suits her just as much as it suits our boy Charlie).

The cool thing about these two is that they are pretty much identical in personality and disposition. The draw-back to these two is that they are pretty much identical in personality and disposition! haha … I think that’s why their names suit them!!!

Chuck is Charlie’s Aunt – her mom is Charlie’s grandmother, which is very cool. She is 3 years old and, like Charlie (1 year old), takes after her mother (his grandmother). They are the same colour and size although she’s “fluffier” than he is – she’s a little bigger but part of that is he’s still growing. Like him, she’s always smiling! Although she has a huge tongue … :)

What can I say? We love ‘em!

Sorry for the crappy phone-photo – they will not stay still so I had to click a shot when I had treats in my hand! I hope you are enjoying your family as much as we are ;)


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