rusty, dusty.

I thought I would check in with a photo of what I’ve been working on this week. After debating with myself about whether to cut out the forest green from the colourway, I decided to do just that. If it was bothering me that much in the ball, it would bug me even more in the finished socks! So chop chop chop.

rusty mom sock

Slowly, I am learning to trust my instincts in my knitting. It is a skill I am actually quite good at in life (excellent even) but in my crafting, I tend to fuss back and forth about decisions. I am learning to gently ask myself, What is the worst that could happen? The answer is usually that I would have to rip a few rows or start over … really not so bad!

rusty mom socks 2

As an aside, there is a children’s book called Cars Galore by Peter Stein  – if you have a little boy, definitely look it up. The rhyming is clever. There are a couple of lines that keep running through my head as I am knitting these because the colourway is called Rusty Stripes:

Rusty, dusty, hunk of junk car. Stinky, yucky, smells like skunk car. Save it, tow it, big repair job. Take a bath and rinse with care job.

The illustrations that accompany those lines are old, rusty cars that are polished up to look like new! Hopefully these socks are lovely when they are finished … not rusty, dusty, stinky or yucky!

rusty mom sock 3

Do you ever associate items you are working on with books, song lyrics, poems, etc? Do you find inspiration in the things you read or listen to?

Happy knitting :)

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